Monday, June 8, 2009

Live and let laugh

Hey, Jude -

You're almost 13 weeks old. You've been here for 3 months. Something like 90 days. In the past 90 days you've done more than I can really fathom. You've learned to eat, breathe, smile, kick, coo. You have found your hands and celebrate by shoving your fists in your mouth at every opportunity. You've been to an art museum, several restaurants, Rhode Island, a wedding, and the park. You ride the subway on a fairly regular basis. You've changed lives and softened hearts. I'd say that's a pretty good record for such a short time.

You'll never believe what you did this weekend. You laughed. You giggled. You honest to god laughed and it was the sweetest sound I've ever heard. Daddy was, of course, the source of the glee. I have yet to inspire your giggles, but the smiles and coos are tiding me over until then.

I hope you know laughter intimately as you grow up. It's a wonderful thing. When you're lonely or need a pick me up laughter can be the best medicine. When your heart hurts and life is hard laughter can be your bright, shiny spot. If you grow to be someone who laughs easily and smiles often I will be a very happy mother. If you encourage laughter in others I will be over the moon.

I love you, my Jude, my sunshine, my giggly boy.

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