Sunday, May 17, 2009

You and me, kid

Hey, Jude -

This weekend Daddy went to Vermont and it was just you & me, kid. Well, we can't forget Duke. He was pretty thrilled to be with you, too. It was a full weekend of playing, eating (and more eating, followed by some eating), napping, singing, dancing, smiling, reading, and walking.

I was nervous before Daddy left because I didn't know how well I'd be able to take care of you all weekend alone. You need a lot of attention and care right now and doing that all by myself is exhausting. But, you know what? This weekend was great. We had so much fun together and I felt good about taking care of you. You really liked being outside a lot, so I'm going to make sure you get to go on a walk with me & Daddy every day.

I learned this weekend that independence is a good thing. It's wonderful to have Daddy here as my partner, but to care for you independently is powerful. It made me feel strong and capable and important. That's a lesson I hope you learn - independence is good. I hope that you are an independent person. You will grow into exactly who you are supposed to be. I'm lucky to see that process unfold.

I love you, Jude, my sunshine, my smiley boy.

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